Friday, June 26, 2009


The thing about programs targeting women and children is that they do just that – work with women and children. Often times, that can be a barrier to achieving the goals in development and health that NGOs and ministries of health so desire. Birth spacing, family planning, effective breastfeeding even (yes! breastfeeding. There is a taboo here that breast milk becomes dirty and unfit for feeding to the baby after the mother engages in sexual intercourse so the mother will stop breastfeeding prematurely) cannot be done with the will and choice of women alone. For a lot of these initiatives you need to try to involve the men, the husbands, the fathers.

If you call a bunch of women and tell them that they should have only the number of children they can financially support, and that there are family planning options for them – you are putting the burden upon the women to go back to their households to explain, convince, and get the permission of their husbands to do what health administrators advise. This is easier said than done – its not hard to see why women practice birth control without their husbands knowing. Husbands often reject birth control methods because they worry about the infidelity of their wives. Islam allows men to take up to 4 wives, but of course, the women must accept that and live faithfully. Ho-hum.

Before the rant, I wanted to say: That’s why its so encouraging to see fathers at the clinic. I love it when I see fathers at the clinic because it tells me that they care, that they support the treatment of their child, and because it shows me that they don’t delegate childcare as a woman-only duty. I saw three fathers this week: one who brought his child in alone, and two who came with their wives and child.

One couple came in with twins. With these outpatient programs giving supplements, its protocol to enroll both twins, even if one is not necessarily malnourished because you assume the sharing of food (more so than with other siblings), especially because they are twins. The mother and father each carried a twin while waiting for registration, during registration, and throughout the taste test. Observing them left me with that warm, fuzzy feeling. :)

June 21 was fathers day.
Unfortunately for my dad, neither of his two daughters was home to give him the hugs and kisses, the thanks and appreciation he so deserves.
My younger sister, Joanna is off all the way across the country at hardcore music camp and I’m halfway across the globe. But he was okay with it. “I’m happy if my daughters are happy,” he said – like always.
Thanks Daddy. ^^

My Dad, making sure, as always, that I'm well fed! heehee
Love you!~


godog 신봉호 said...

사랑하는 아름아,
먼저, 생일축하한다.
우리는 레게머리 멋쟁이 대학생의 1년전의 모습을 생생히 기억하고 있단다.
지난해에 이어 또 다시 먼나라에서 생일을 맞게되는 구나.
네 여름방학은 가장 힘든 여정이지만,
가장 값지고 보람있는 일이 될거야.
너의 멋진 장도에 축복과 행운이 함께 하길 바라며.
한국에서 이모부가.
2009.06.27 토요일
I'm proud of you.

Unknown said...

아름아!! '생일 축하해!!'

올해도 머나먼 아프리카에서 생일을 맞는
구나.하지만 지금 아름이가 하고있는 일이
누구나 할 수 있는 일은 아니잖아.
값진 경험이라 생각된다.
우리 대부분은 아프리카의 가난한 나
라들이 어떤 생활을 하고 있는지 잘 알 지 못해.단지 아름이같이 직접가서 구호 활동하는 사람들이 전해주는 글과 사진들을 보고 알 수 있을 뿐이야.
우리가 직접 가서 그들을 도와주지는 못하지만 여기서 간접적으로나마 도울 수 있는 방법들도 많이 있으리라 생각되.
그런 방법들도 아름이같은 사람들이 찾아줘야되는데,그런점에서 우리 아름이는 아프리카의 가난한 사람들을 위해 아주큰 일을 하고있는 매우 중요한 사람이야.
아름이를 알고있는 많은 사람들이 아름이의 안전과 건강과 계획한 일이 잘 이루어 질 수 있도록 기도 많이 하고 있으니까
많이 힘들더라도 잘 이겨낼 수 있으리라
생각해.아자 아자 화이팅!!!

다시한번 " 생일 축하해!!! "

~아름이를 엄청 많이 사랑하는 이모가~

Unknown said...

Nuna! This is Aaron from Federal Way!!!!!!!!
I've been wanting to visit your blog but I keep on forgetting!
Nuna, I miss you so much.
Happy late b-day!!
I love you !
Be well.
I'm praying for you